How To Protect Yourself From Internet Fraud
A Maximum Credit Card Scam Using the Phishing Method
How to avoid a Maximum Credit Card scam using the phishing method is to never click on links asking for your credit card number, nor give your credit card number to anyone asking you for it. Your bank will never send you an email or call you asking you for this information. Do not respond to any emails asking you for this information.
A Maximum Credit Card Scam involves criminals trying to get your confidential information to run away with your money. They work by buying expensive products, then sending out the money via your account. They might buy $5,000 worth of products, then send back only $2,000. They have made a profit of $5,000!
They have to pay back $2,000 for your account and they will run up a new account another $2,000 worth of expenses, leaving you with a balance of $10,000.
If you fall victim to this scam, you can call the Federal Trade Commission to file a complaint.
Don’t Disclose Your Social Security Number.
Don’t do anything that will allow this scam to continue – don’t give out your Social Security number, and don’t call into any of these numbers. Anyone who requires a Social Security number should have it taken off of you.
Scam 2: You Have Been awarded $1,000,000
This is one of the oldest scams both on and off the internet. You receive a mail congratulating you on your win or award. Once you respond, you are told there is a transfer fee to release the money. Then there is another fee and another one and so on and so on. The fees get bigger and bigger. Many people have lost small fortunes with this scam. Do not fall for this. No one is going to give you a load of money for nothing. Just hit delete. This scam is often called the Nigerian scam as it was invented there.
Scam 3: Premium Rate Calls
This where you are sent a mail which is specifically geared towards you dialling a number for more information. This number is often a premium rate number that will often charge at an extortionate rate. The calls are put together in such a way that you are kept on the phone for as long as possible, costing you more and more. Be very careful which calling numbers look unusual. It could cost you a packet.
Scam 4: False Surveys
These are surveys which on the surface, appear to be legitimate but are actually designed to extract information from you without you realizing it. Sometimes they will even request information from you which can lead to identity theft. Do not complete emailed surveys or surveys which you get to by clicking a link.
Scam 5: Matrix Schemes
These are very similar to the offline matrix schemes of the ’80s. Effectively there are many variations of these scams. Often they involve you having to recruit people who, once they have been recruited, will send you money in the short term and then either make you a payment or sell drugs to you in the long term. These schemes can damage your life as they are constantly coming and going. You need to stay on top of what you need to do so you can avoid becoming a victim.
There are many ways to avoid these scams. First, you can do your research and avoid them as much as you can. When you do choose a scheme, it is important to do your research and avoid any scheme which seems too good to be true then; obviously, it probably is.