Are You Hacked?

Yes, you could say that about 80% of all PCs are infected with some sort of malware, trojan or…

Passwords – Security – How to Keep Track of Them

There are several ways that you can keep track of your passwords. 1) Passwords Remember that sentence from high school — hang out at the library, do your research, come up with questions to research on the web, meet new friends and see where they are from. 2) Options There are several different methods that you can use to keep track of your passwords. You might use different types of passwords for different things, but we all…

Computer Virus and Virus Cleaning Software

If you think of a computer virus similar to the kind that attacks human beings, you will understand how they work. A virus is a piece of software that can usually spread and reproduce over a computer network by infecting other computers’ files on the web. In other words, their growth is self-enacted. If the infection is accidental or due to negligence, it can still cause damage to the computer network and to the computer itself. A…

How to Protect Your Privacy Online: Exclusive Info

Most people find it a relief to have some extra money in their pockets after they’ve spent time browsing the internet. However, there are a lot of dangers when you spend time online aside from viruses and worms. You need to be aware of them in order to browse without putting yourself at risk. Journalism is actually a branch of advertising that focuses on news dissemination rather than providing content specific to individuals. Gain from them. It’s…

Internet Email Security: How Important Is It?

With the internet, email, computers have become a lot easier to communicate with and exchange information. There are several ways to communicate with the outside world and with other people sitting in front of their computers. Communication via email is both common and comfortable, and it has been used by everyone, from people with low technical knowledge all the way to the most technically skilled. However, there is the problem of hacking. Cyber-hackers can wait around outside…

How To Protect Yourself From Internet Fraud

A Maximum Credit Card Scam Using the Phishing Method How to avoid a Maximum Credit Card scam using the phishing method is to never click on links asking for your credit card number, nor give your credit card number to anyone asking you for it. Your bank will never send you an email or call you asking you for this information. Do not respond to any emails asking you for this information. A Maximum Credit Card Scam…