Author Archives: admin

Passwords – Security – How to Keep Track of Them

There are several ways that you can keep track of your passwords. 1) Passwords Remember that sentence from high school — hang out at the library, do your research, come up with questions to research on the web, meet new friends and see where they are from. 2) Options There are several different methods that…

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Computer Virus and Virus Cleaning Software

If you think of a computer virus similar to the kind that attacks human beings, you will understand how they work. A virus is a piece of software that can usually spread and reproduce over a computer network by infecting other computers’ files on the web. In other words, their growth is self-enacted. If the…

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How to Protect Your Privacy Online: Exclusive Info

Most people find it a relief to have some extra money in their pockets after they’ve spent time browsing the internet. However, there are a lot of dangers when you spend time online aside from viruses and worms. You need to be aware of them in order to browse without putting yourself at risk. Journalism…

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Internet Email Security: How Important Is It?

With the internet, email, computers have become a lot easier to communicate with and exchange information. There are several ways to communicate with the outside world and with other people sitting in front of their computers. Communication via email is both common and comfortable, and it has been used by everyone, from people with low…

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How To Protect Yourself From Internet Fraud

A Maximum Credit Card Scam Using the Phishing Method How to avoid a Maximum Credit Card scam using the phishing method is to never click on links asking for your credit card number, nor give your credit card number to anyone asking you for it. Your bank will never send you an email or call…

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How To Encrypt Your Teach Secrets

You may think that keeping your secrets is a headache. Actually, they are not. Encrypting your Teach Packets is a matter of encrypting a single password. Teach secret sends a web server announcement to your own address when a user makes a successful submission to a website (by clicking the submit button). This website authenticates…

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REST Assured – Alternative Methodologies For CIOs

The traditional methodologies for conducting IT security assessments are no longer valid, nor are they useful…….For CIOs, there are three keys to successfully estimating security risk: proximation, inference, and mysterion. Proximation is simple enough to practice – spend time understanding the threat and then take steps to deal with it. Proximate threat models are easily…

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Maybe It’s Time For You to Consider Electronic Signature

It sounds like something we’d expect to hear about on the news. But every day, it seems like someone new finds a way to circumvent the system and sign up for their new business project on the spot. Whether it be setting up a lingerie empire with sample sales sizes or making sure your new…

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Why Is The Information Security Chamber Opposed To The Information Technology Security Chamber?

Both the old guard and the new guard – the big tech companies and start-ups as well as the established organizations – have significantly different experiences and perspectives when it comes to computer security and network security. The old guard has been around the block a dozen times over while the new guard is beginning…

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Innovation Enables Warring Factors From Mobility to DDoS

One year ago, a Middle Eastern oil and gas company endured Shamoon’s incapacitating Internet virus attack. A week passed before the 30,000 workstations at the M.E. oil and gas company were able to get back to business as usual. The U.S. Secretary of Defense at that time noted that this virus was the most devastating…

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